Holistic Listening

Holistic Listening


How is Holistic Listening Different from Therapy?

A Holistic Listener is not a psychiatrist, psychologist, or medical professional. Unlike these professions, a Listener does not label or diagnose you with a condition, nor do they provide treatment or judgement on your situation. Professional listening offers a unique opportunity to share your thoughts with someone who listens openly, empathizes with your experiences, and remains actively present to hold space for you. A Listener acts as a mirror, reflecting your true self back to you, fostering self-awareness and understanding in a compassionate and non-judgmental environment.

How is Holistic Listening Different? Why Hire a Holistic Listener?

A Holistic Listener can provide peace of mind and clarity when you need it most. You might feel that therapy isn't necessary but are still experiencing frustration or dissatisfaction with life. Consulting a psychologist or psychotherapist might seem too extreme, while talking with friends and family may not feel appropriate, especially if the issues relate specifically to them. Those closest to you might have subconscious biases and respond in ways that validate their own perspectives rather than helping you. You may not want to burden your loved ones with your worries, or perhaps you sense an underlying current of competition when consulting friends.

People hire a Holistic Listener to be heard and understood for various reasons, including:

  • Feeling depressed or lonely

  • Seeking brainstorming sessions

  • Feeling like life is spiraling out of control

  • Needing a general venting session

  • Grieving and needing support

  • Wanting to unload internal emotions

  • Practicing public speaking or other forms of public address

A Holistic Listener provides a compassionate, non-judgmental space, fostering self-awareness and understanding in a holistic manner.

How Do Listening Sessions Work?

During a Listening Session, which lasts either an hour or 90 minutes, you will have the opportunity to share whatever is weighing on your heart. This is a dedicated time and space for you to express yourself freely, with the sole intention of achieving relief and clarity. Rest assured, your privacy is paramount; the session is entirely confidential and will not be recorded in any form.

This conversation is solely about you and your needs, without any psychiatric or psychological evaluation. There will be no diagnosis of your thoughts. Instead, you will be understood and supported by a neutral and empathetic Listener, creating a safe environment for you to feel truly heard.

To be heard is an essential human need, yet many of us experience the silence of unspoken thoughts, hopes, and frustrations. Sometimes, we lack an impartial person to share with, or we find that those around us don’t truly listen when we speak, leaving us feeling unheard.

A Holistic listener plays a crucial role in meeting this need. The benefits include:



As a Holistic listener, my mission is to support others through the art of empathetic and active listening. Everyone deserves a space for self-expression free from criticism, shame, and judgment.

How Do I Book an Appointment?

Booking a session is simple. Just email me directly at kylie.hnhc@outlook.com or click Book a consultation and book online.

Express your interest, and I'll respond as soon as possible to arrange a suitable date and time for our meeting. It's that easy.

Payment Options: How Do I Pay?

Once we have scheduled an appointment, you can pay through our online booking system using a credit card. Alternatively, I can send you an invoice with EFT payment details. After your payment is received, you will receive a Zoom link confirming our appointment.

Is Personal Data Collected?

The only data we retain are your name, email address, and the dates of your booked sessions. No details of your discussions are recorded or kept on file. There are no recordings of any kind. Each session is treated independently and as a unique entity.

Listening Session Options

Holistic Listening is a comprehensive service that provides benefits extending well beyond the session itself. I offer confidential sessions to clients both at the clinic at HHC and online worldwide. Simply send an email, and we can book a session.

Listening Session Options

Introductory Listening Session

10 Minutes


1 Hour Listening Session

60 Minutes


1 1/2 Hours Listening Session

90 Minutes


Email me to book your 

Free 10 - minute Intro session.